Blepharisma musculus; focus plane on the bead-shaped macronucleus (in contrast to B. lateritium) |
Blepharisma musculus; focus plane on the cilia and cortex. The cortex contains small granules that contain blepharismin, a photosensitive pigment. |
Blepharisma musculus; specimen from (3), which appears to be without or very low amount of pigments. Also KAHL reports that this species can be colorless. |
Blepharisma musculus; another colorless specimen from (2), |
Location: Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmer , Teich (1); Simmelried, Konstanz, Germany (2); sphagnum pond (2); Wahner Heide near Cologne/ Germany (3) |
Habitat : Detritus (1); periphyton (2); detritus (3) |
Date: 23.10.2010 / 1.11.2010 (1); 15.11.2017 (2); 11.12.2014 (3) |