Loxophyllum utriculariae; a pleurostomatid ciliate |
Loxophyllum utriculariae; same specimen; the arrow points to the trophi of an engulfed monogonont rotifer (Encentrum sp.). Detail in insert. |
Loxophyllum utriculariae; same specimen; anterior part, oral region. |
Loxophyllum utriculariae; two images of the anterior part, oral region; focus plane on the ???"Kordelfoermiges Organell"??? (marked in the lower image (crop of above image)) |
Loxophyllum utriculariae; macronuclei. |
Loxophyllum utriculariae; Extrusomes |
Location : Haselbecke, Hattingen Felderbachtal, NRW Germany; creek |
Habitat: sediment between moss in lotic water . (click image to enlarge >>>) |
Date: 30.12.2021 |