Gastropus stylifer, a very colorful rotifer due to the pink body liquid and the blueish hypodermis. Such pink liquid may be also found in the plankton rotifer Kellicottia longispina. |
Gastropus stylifer: focal plane on the trophi and the prepharyngeal tube. |
Gastropus stylifer: the arrows point to the long prepharyngeal tube which is used to suck phytoflagellates like Dinobryon. The prepharyngeal tube can be moved back and forth. Ra: ramus; Fu: fulcrum of the virgate trophi. |
Gastropus stylifer, another specimen from (2), focal plane on the red eyespot and lipid droplets. |
Gastropus stylifer, focal plane on the resting egg and the prepharyngeal tube (arrows) . |
Location: Glörtalsperre (NRW) / Heilenbecker Talsperre (NRW, 2010) |
Habitat: Plankton |
Date: 4.6.2009 (1); 29.12.2011 (2) |