Kellicottia bostoniensis. In contrast to Kellicottia longispina this species has only 4 spines at the anterior margin of the lorica. Focus plane is on the 2 dorsal spines. |
Kellicottia bostoniensis; lorica of dead specimen showing the 4 spines (arrowheads). (1) |
Kellicottia bostoniensis; ventral view; focus plane is on the 2 lateral spines. |
Kellicottia bostoniensis; lorica of a macerated (with SDS) specimen; dorsoventral ventral view; Focal plane on the dorsal side with fine striations and pores in the integument and the spines. Also visible are the openings of the two lateral antennas. |
Location (1); (2); (3): 3-Insel-Teich; Ohligser Heide, Solingen, NRW, Germany, NRW, Germany, pond; |
Habitat (4); (5): plankton |
Date: 31.07.2015 (1); 14.05.2016 (2); coll.: 14.10.2024, img: 16.10.2024 (3) |