Keratella cochlearis with two amictic eggs. (1) |
Keratella cochlearis; colonized by the euglenoid flagellate Colacium vesiculosum 22.05.2006 (2) |
Keratella cochlearis, another specimen from (3) |
Keratella cochlearis, another specimen from (4), dorsal view. |
Keratella cochlearis, another specimen from (4), ventral view. |
Keratella cochlearis, two specimens from (5). |
Keratella cochlearis, specimen from (6), optical median section, focus plane on the central red eyespot.. |
Keratella cochlearis, same specimen, optical median section, different focus plane on the right side of the lorica with the right anterolateral spine (ALS) completely in focus. Behind is the anterointermediate spine (AIS); the anteromedian spine is out of focus in this image. SB: Sensory bristles. |
Location: Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmmer, Teich (1); (2); Glörtalsperre; NRW; Germany (3); Haselbecke, Hattingen, Germany (6) |
Habitat: Plankton (1); (2); (3); (6) |
Date: 22.05.2006 (1); 16.10.2015 (2); 17.04.2010 (3); 26.04.2020 (6) |