Macrotrachela nana Bryce 1912
Macrotrachela nana; in contrast to Macrotrachela ehrenbergii this is a very small species, rarely exceeding the total length (TL) of 240µm. This whirling specimen from (4) is about 150µm.
Macrotrachela nana, whirling, dorsal view, focal plane on the undivided upper lip (1). The rostrum is oval and is wider than the head.
Macrotrachela nana, same specimen as above, whirling, dorsalventral view, focal plane on the vitellarium with 4 nuclei. The diet of this specimen seems to be partly fungus spores. (1)
Macrotrachela nana, whirling, dorsal view, focal plane on the undivided upper lip. (2)
Macrotrachela nana, dorsoventral view, optical cross-section, focal plane on the trochal columns. The corona is smaller than the head. (2)
Macrotrachela nana, dorsoventral view, optical cross-section, creeping (2)
Macrotrachela nana, two aspects of the head dorsoventral view. Left image: focal plane on the upper lip. right image: focal plane on the trochal columns. The corona is smaller than the head. (2)
Macrotrachela nana, two aspects of the foot with spurs and three toes. (2)
Macrotrachela nana, compressed specimen showing the vitellaria with 4 nuclei each. (2). See also Macrotrachela nana var. ligulata.
Macrotrachela nana, creeping specimen from (3). The arrow points to the short dorsal antenna.
Macrotrachela nana, same specimen from (3). The arrows point to the 4 nuclei of the vitellarium.
Macrotrachela nana, whirling (3).
see also Macrotrachela nana var. ligulata and Macrotrachela nana var. ligulata from Ross Island, Antarctica
Location: Hattingen Oberstueter (1);Aneboda, Sweden (2); Ossian Sarsfjellet, James I Land, Svalbard (3); Rittner Horn, Schützhütte, South Tirol (4)
microhabitat: Tree moss (1);Spagnum moss (2); moss (3); moss on sandstone (4)
Date: 05.02. 2013 (1); 16.02.2014 (2); 16.10.2015 (3); 06.10.20120
freshwater life
marine life