Macrotrachela intermedia: whirling, focus plane on the two-lobed upper lip. Specimen from a moss-sample that had been dry for more than 20 months and the was soaked in water. This demonstrates the ability of bdelloid rotifers to survive desiccation (2) |
Macrotrachela intermedia: whirling, focus plane on the two-lobed upper lip. Specimen from (1) |
Macrotrachela intermedia: crop of the above image showing the two lobes of the upper lip in dorsal view. (1) |
Macrotrachela intermedia: Head of another whirling specimen from the same sample. In contrast to the image above the focus plane is more ventral. Although the upper lip has two lobes, the ventral parts of the lobes have concave indentations (arrows). (1) |
Macrotrachela intermedia: two aspects of the upper lip; slightly different focus planes (2) |
Macrotrachela intermedia: ventral view of the foot with three toes. Cone-shaped spurs with interspace. Left: specimen from (1); right: specimen from (2) |
Location: Obfelden, Switzerland (1); same sample, kept dry for approx. 2 years (2) |
Habitat: Frullania dilatata on bark of oak tree (1); (2) |
Date: 05.12.2017 (1); 23.12.2019 (2) |