Mytilina crassipes; lateral view. The head is retracted in this image. In contrast to Mytilina mucronata the anterior part of the lorica has no spines; so according to KOSTE (1978) this species belongs to the Mytinlina-"Formenkreis" b (i.e without spines). |
Mytilina crassipes; whirling specimen from (2); lateral view. In contrast to Mytilina bisulcata the shape of the lorica (length : height ≈ 2.2) of this species is slim. |
Mytilina crassipes; dorsoventral view, head retracted |
Mytilina crassipes; dorsal view, focal plane on the double-keeled dorsal parts of the plates of the lorica. |
Mytilina crassipes; ventral view, foot with long, ventrally curved toes. |
see also >>> Mytilina bisulcata, another Mytilina-species without spines at the lorica. |
Location: Stefansbachtal Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmer,Teich |
Habitat: periphytic on the stonewort algae Nitella mucronata |
Datum: 24.5.2008 |