Otostephanos auriculatus; whirling, showing the ring around the trochal discs (1). |
Otostephanos auriculatus; two aspects of the head and anterior part of the trunc. Left image: ventral side of the head. Right image: crop of the above image showing the typical ring (arrowheads) and the upper lip (triangle) (1). |
Otostephanos auriculatus; foot and spurs of two specimens (1). |
Otostephanos auriculatus; another specimen (26.5.2013) showing the triangular upper lip (2). |
Otostephanos auriculatus; 3 aspects on the head, different focal planes. Upper left: framed triangular upper lip. Upper right: the ventral side of the upper lip (or the sulcus?) is divided in 3 parts. Lower left: ventral side of the head with lower lip (2). Lower right: trophi with dental formula 10/10 (1). |
Otostephanos auriculatus; ventral view (2). |
Location: Wahner Heide, Cologne (1), Hattingen Oberstueter (2) / Germany |
Habitat: sphagnum pond (1); beech litter (2) |
Date: 02.01.2011 (1); 26.05.2013 (2) |