Ptygura longicornis Davis, 1867 |
Ptygura longicornis, whirling specimen; dorsoventral view, focal plane on the oval-shaped corona. There are no cilia on the dorsal side of the trochus (arrowheads). |
Ptygura longicornis, ventral view of a specimen with retracted corona; the species name refers to the conspicuous ventral antennas with long setae. The term "... corn" (lat.: cornus = "horn" ) describes total different morphological traits in invertebrates. In rotifers "corn" is used for decribing parts of the lorica (Platyias quadricornis (anterior and posterior extensions); Brachionus diversicornis; parts of the foot (Macrotrachela quadricornifera; Adineta acuticornis (spurs); Philodina acuticornis (spurs), or the sensory organs (ventral antennas) like in this Ptygura-species (P. longicornis) here. |
Ptygura longicornis, lateral view of whirling specimen. Optical longitudinal transect of the corona and mouth. BF: buccal field; dTr: dorsal part of the trochus; In: intestinum; lL: lower lip; Mx: mastax; rVA: right ventral antenna; vTr: ventral part of the trochus. Image from a a slo-mo video .(1) |