Resticula melandocus Gosse 1887
Resticula melandocus; dorsoventral view; specimen from (2)
Resticula melandocus; dorsoventral view; toes at their base bulb-like. The arrowheads point to the ducts leading fron the big foot glands (right) to the tips of the toes.(2)
Resticula melandocus; lateral view; toes are bent ventrally. There are two belloid rotifers: Rotaria sp. (eyespots; DF: 2/2) and Dissotrocha sp.(eyespots; DF: 3/3)) as prey in the stomach. (5)
Resticula melandocus; dorsoventral view; focal plane on the two small eyespots.(1)
Resticula melandocus is a carnivorous rotifer. At least two trophi and one pair of eyespots of bdelloid rotifers (Rotaria sp.) are visible in the intestinum of this specimen. (1)
Resticula melandocus, lateral view. The arrow points to the uncus of the trophi of a bdelloid rotifer (family Habrotrochidae) that has been swallowed by this specimen. (4)
Resticula melandocus; male specimen without trophi. (2)
Resticula melandocus; two aspects of the trophi. (1)
Resticula melandocus; virgate trophi, specimen from (2)
Resticula melandocus; virgate trophi, specimen from (3)
Location (3): Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, pond in front of NC/NB (1)
Habitat (3): periphyton (click to enlarge >>>>)
Date (3): 01.09.2013 (3)
Location (5): Botanical Garden, Brest; Brittany, France, pond
Habitat (5): detritus/ psammon in lotic water (click to enlarge >>>>)
Date: 26.08. 2021 (5)
Location: Stefansbachtal Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmer, pond (1);Sprockhövel Hasslinghausen Teich (2); Filzmoos, Austria, (4)
Habitat: periphyton on the stonewort Nitella mucronata (1); periphyton (2,3); detritus (4)
Date: 24.5.2008; 06.04.2011 (2);
freshwater life
marine life