Resticula melandocus; dorsoventral view; specimen from (2) |
Resticula melandocus; dorsoventral view; toes at their base bulb-like. The arrowheads point to the ducts leading fron the big foot glands (right) to the tips of the toes.(2) |
Resticula melandocus; lateral view; toes are bent ventrally. There are two belloid rotifers: Rotaria sp. (eyespots; DF: 2/2) and Dissotrocha sp.(eyespots; DF: 3/3)) as prey in the stomach. (5) |
Resticula melandocus; dorsoventral view; focal plane on the two small eyespots.(1) |
Resticula melandocus is a carnivorous rotifer. At least two trophi and one pair of eyespots of bdelloid rotifers (Rotaria sp.) are visible in the intestinum of this specimen. (1) |
Resticula melandocus, lateral view. The arrow points to the uncus of the trophi of a bdelloid rotifer (family Habrotrochidae) that has been swallowed by this specimen. (4) |
Resticula melandocus; male specimen without trophi. (2) |
Resticula melandocus; two aspects of the trophi. (1) |
Resticula melandocus; virgate trophi, specimen from (2) |
Resticula melandocus; virgate trophi, specimen from (3) |
Location (3): Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, pond in front of NC/NB (1) |
Habitat (3): periphyton (click to enlarge >>>>) |
Date (3): 01.09.2013 (3) |
Location (5): Botanical Garden, Brest; Brittany, France, pond |
Habitat (5): detritus/ psammon in lotic water (click to enlarge >>>>) |
Date: 26.08. 2021 (5) |
Location: Stefansbachtal Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmer, pond (1);Sprockhövel Hasslinghausen Teich (2); Filzmoos, Austria, (4) |
Habitat: periphyton on the stonewort Nitella mucronata (1); periphyton (2,3); detritus (4) |
Date: 24.5.2008; 06.04.2011 (2); |