Squatinella microdactyla microdactyla Murray 1906 |
Squatinella microdactyla microdactyla, lateral view, focal plane on the spine on the back (triangles and the rostrum (arrowhead). In contrast to Squatinella longispinata (where the dorsal spine is in the middle of the trunk) the dorsal spine is locateted more caudally. |
Squatinella microdactyla microdactyla, ventral view; focal plane on the ciliary field with the characteristic radial orientated cilia. Z: toes. |
Squatinella microdactyla microdactyla, dorsal view. |
Squatinella microdactyla microdactyla, trophi. |
Fundort: Hohes Venn, Belgium, near Malmedy, Sphagnum pond |
Habitat: Periphyton |
Date: 28.10.2011 |