Some microorganisms from the Wupper, NRW, Germany, 2022
In the "BergCountry" in the vicinity of the city Wuppertal (NRW, Germany) several red algae can be found; one of them is Torularia atra (Batrachospemum atrum) which can be found in the river Wupper near Muengsten. The population of this alga is characterized by a very dense "Aufwuchs" of epibiontic autotroph organisms like diatoms and other green algae, but also by heterotroph organismal like sessile ciliates like Pseudovorticella cf chlamydophora; Pseudovorticella monilata, immobile rotifers like Ptygura cf crystallina and a rotifer community that is typical for algae in lotic waters like Philodina megalotrocha or Euchlanis dilatata,