Dissotrocha scutellata, whirling. Mastax with dental formula 3/3. |
Dissotrocha scutellata, creeping animal. |
Dissotrocha scutellata, creeping specimen. The posterior part of the rump segment is characterized by some toruses. |
Dissotrocha scutellata, another whirling specimen. |
Dissotrocha scutellata, another whirling specimen. The cerebral eyespots are clearly visible. |
Dissotrocha scutellata, upper images: crop of the image above. Left : head with rostrum lamella; right: foot, spurs with distinct tips. Lower images: two aspects of the foot with spurs and 4 toes. The right image shows the conspicuous ring on the last rump segment. |
Dissotrocha scutellata, trophi with dental formula 3/3 |
Location: Speikboden (altitude 2400m), Tauferer Ahrntal, South Tirol, Italy |
Habitat: dry moss on rocks (Andreaea rupestris), together with A. tuberculosa, A. vaga var. rhomboidea, Pleuretra lineata, |
Date: coll. 7.10.2014, img 18.10.2014. |