Pleuretra sp.1: whirling animal. This morphotype has a ligula in the sulcus, which is in contrast to Pleuretra lineata (1) |
Pleuretra sp.1: detail of the anterior part. Focus plane on the ligula in the sulcus (arrow). The trochal columns have a fold on the inner margin (arrowheads). (1) |
Location: Speikboden, Tauferer Ahrntal, South Tirol, Italy (1) |
Habitat: Habitat:dry moss on rocks (Andreaea rupestris), together with A. tuberculosa, A. vaga var. rhomboidea, Pleuretra lineata, Dissotrocha scutellata (1) |
Date: coll.: 7.10.2014, img.: 21.10.2014. (1); |